AI Conversation Analytics Tool


UX/UI Designer

UI Designer


UX/UI Designer

UI Designer






One Week

April 2024


One Week

April 2024


After my application was accepted for an AI startup, I was tasked with completing a test assignment to demonstrate my skills and vision for their product. Due to by background in human behavior, I was drawn to this company's goal and felt I would be able to enhance their product with an understanding of how to understand to others and how people intake new information.


Enhance understanding of others, aid in personality development, and improve interpersonal influence. Speak. Record. Understand. Grow.


Enhance understanding of others, aid in personality development, and improve interpersonal influence. Speak. Record. Understand. Grow.


I was tasked with redesigning the user interface for their main analytics and transcription pages. This design was required to be fully prototyped as a functional application.


I was tasked with redesigning the user interface for their main analytics and transcription pages. This design was required to be fully prototyped as a functional application.


Discovering Needs

Without the availability of user interviews, I began by diving into what problems had already been discovered in AI Analytic tools. Following this, I scrutinized the current interface to uncover pain points for usability.

  • How can I make this informative interface more digestible to users?

  • What changes facilitate a higher level of accessibility?

  • How will users interact with this information?

Market Research

AI tools experienced a sudden boom from 2022-2024. By diving into what barriers other companies had faced in the creation and usability of these tools, I found a few key areas that I could account for in my design.

Data Quality

AI can only make decisions based upon the information that it is given. While audio recordings can be useful, there is a need to ensure that what the AI recognizes is accurate.


Data Quality

AI can only make decisions based upon the information that it is given. While audio recordings can be useful, there is a need to ensure that what the AI recognizes is accurate.



Without contextual knowledge of where or how this conversation is taking place, AI may not recognize certain dynamics occurring. This creates a problem in ensuring reliable analytics.


Without contextual knowledge of where or how this conversation is taking place, AI may not recognize certain dynamics occurring. This creates a problem in ensuring reliable analytics.


Without contextual knowledge of where or how this conversation is taking place, AI may not recognize certain dynamics occurring. This creates a problem in ensuring reliable analytics.

Social Awareness

Human communication is highly dependent on culture and the type of language that is commonly used within a certain setting. An AI system is inherently non-human, and may not pick up on social cues that are understandable to most people.

Social Awareness

Human communication is highly dependent on culture and the type of language that is commonly used within a certain setting. An AI system is inherently non-human, and may not pick up on social cues that are understandable to most people.

Social Awareness

Human communication is highly dependent on culture and the type of language that is commonly used within a certain setting. An AI system is inherently non-human, and may not pick up on social cues that are understandable to most people.


While an AI system provides 'answers' to a user, it does not commonly justify it's findings to enhance understanding. For a user to trust the information and apply it to their lives, an explanation is needed for the output.


While an AI system provides 'answers' to a user, it does not commonly justify it's findings to enhance understanding. For a user to trust the information and apply it to their lives, an explanation is needed for the output.


While an AI system provides 'answers' to a user, it does not commonly justify it's findings to enhance understanding. For a user to trust the information and apply it to their lives, an explanation is needed for the output.


As this project occurred over a one week time period, I had to find a way to research without conducting user interviews. Focusing in on each screen that the company provided me with, I analyzed what problems a user could have while navigating the information.

  • Accessibility

    A combination of small text and low contrast results in an interface that could cause user's strain to read.

    previous design from the startup

  • Flow

    With a lack of clear CTA buttons for actions to be taken by the user, the interface does not lead a user to explore the information.

    previous design from the startup

  • Division

    The conversation is divided by each person, which forces a user to click through each tab and read many separate summaries.

    previous design from the startup

  • Clarity

    While scales are provided to rank traits, there is no way for a user to understand the "why" behind the analysis.

    previous design from the startup

  • Accessibility

    A combination of small text and low contrast results in an interface that could cause user's strain to read.

    previous design from the startup

  • Flow

    With a lack of clear CTA buttons for actions to be taken by the user, the interface does not lead a user to explore the information.

    previous design from the startup

  • Division

    The conversation is divided by each person, which forces a user to click through each tab and read many separate summaries.

    previous design from the startup

  • Clarity

    While scales are provided to rank traits, there is no way for a user to understand the "why" behind the analysis.

    previous design from the startup

  • Division

    The conversation is divided by each person, which forces a user to click through each tab and read many separate summaries.

    previous design from the startup

  • Clarity

    While scales are provided to rank traits, there is no way for a user to understand the "why" behind the analysis.

    previous design from the startup

  • Accessibility

    A combination of small text and low contrast results in an interface that could cause user's strain to read.

    previous design from the startup

  • Flow

    With a lack of clear CTA buttons for actions to be taken by the user, the interface does not lead a user to explore the information.

    previous design from the startup

Key Takeaways

  • The analysis provided by the AI needs to include an explanation for the information to be usable.

  • The UI for this product can be improved to show a heirarchy of information as well as undergo changes to enhance accessibility.

  • Conversations need to be easily editable to ensure that the data being used is accurate.

  • The AI system needs to understand the user context for quality analytic output.

Ideating Solutions

My Approach

Given the prompt for this project, I decided to focus on UI design changes that could be made to enhance their current flow.

  • How can I make this informative interface more digestible to users?

  • What changes facilitate a higher level of accessibility?

  • How will users interact with this information?


With a tight deadline and many possibilities, I began by sketching and narrating my ideas, testing different layouts before diving into higher fidelity.

Styling for Accessibility

In order to give a basis for designing with accessibility in mind, I created a style guide that kept the company's current blue aesthetic while ensuring that backgrounds and text passed accessibility checks within this theme.

Redesigning UI

Designing the Interface

Approaching the UI, I focused on creating a visual language that could be easily understood and navigated by potential users.

  • Information architecture is key for informative input.

  • Accessible colors and spacing allows for all users to access the information.

  • Interactive tabs allow for a large amount of information to be shown on one page, minimizing user navigation.

Tackling the design

With a guide to follow, I began to create the components that would allow the user to explore the insights of each participant.

Personality Score

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Personality Score

Speaker 1

Speaker 2


Instead of an illusive bar, I decided to rank personalities in the familiar 5 star ranking system. This familiar element allows a user to quickly understand how well that individual's personality meshes with their own.


About Me

About Topic

Speaker 1

“You did a great job completing a competitive analysis of the products available”

Speaker 2

“Wow, I love how you used hierarchy on this slide”


About Me

About Topic

Speaker 1

“You did a great job completing a competitive analysis of the products available”

Speaker 2

“Wow, I love how you used hierarchy on this slide”


Separating quotes by their intent, a user is able to identify feedback and input from each person within the conversation within one element.


Speaker 1

Speaker 2









At 2:32 this person stated that they understand how you felt regarding your analysis of the AI tools.


Speaker 1

Speaker 2









At 2:32 this person stated that they understand how you felt regarding your analysis of the AI tools.


Allowing a user toggle between participants within a single topic was key to manage information overload.

Using icons to bring life to the application and including reasoning for each ranking facilitates the company goal of increasing a user's understanding of others.

Favorite Topics

Speaker 1

Speaker 2




Speaker 1 discussed their current and consistent dedication to trying new AI products in their spare time at 12:43 in this meeting.

Favorite Topics

Speaker 1

Speaker 2




Speaker 1 discussed their current and consistent dedication to trying new AI products in their spare time at 12:43 in this meeting.


Using the same toggle system, a user can gain insight into the key points that they can bring up to a connection in order to engage them in conversation.

Changing the Layout

Focusing on the visual way that users would interact with this information, I redesigned the interactions and layout for each section that the startup prioritized in their analysis. Within this redesign, I made sure to create room for reasoning to be provided by the AI, giving users a deeper understanding of why their relationship to the other person was ranked at a certain level.


Giving users a summary breakdown that is separated by topics and actions taken within the conversation allows a user a quick breakdown without reading a long summary.


Giving users a summary breakdown that is separated by topics and actions taken within the conversation allows a user a quick breakdown without reading a long summary.


Instead of an illusive bar, I decided to rank personalities in the familiar 5 star ranking system. This familiar element allows a user to quickly understand how well that individual's personality meshes with their own.


Separating quotes by their intent, a user is able to identify feedback and input from each person within the conversation within one element.


Allowing a user toggle between participants within a single topic was key to manage information overload.

Using icons to bring life to the application and including reasoning for each ranking facilitates the company goal of increasing a user's understanding of others.


Using the same toggle system, a user can gain insight into the key points that they can bring up to a connection in order to engage them in conversation.

Enhancing Accuracy

To give the user control over the accuracy of the information being fed into their analytics, I redesigned the transcript to be an interactive conversation similar to a group chat. This allows the user to begin creating profiles for different speakers and ensure that the conversation data is accurate.

Current Interface



A large of this project was ensuring that the entire prototype was interactive. As a part of the brief, the startup wanted to be able to click through the selected screen in a fully functional manner. You can click through the prototype here to visualize how the user would interact with the product.

A large of this project was ensuring that the entire prototype was interactive. As a part of the brief, the startup wanted to be able to click through the selected screen in a fully functional manner. You can click through the prototype here to visualize how the user would interact with the product.

(prototype is best tested on desktop)

Moving Forward

Pausing Design

The company has informed me that they have paused the redesign of this product and are working on developing their current interface. I am still in the pool of applicants should they revisit this project.

Future Ideation

As a part of my design submission, I explored what key metrics would be important to track in the future and what changes in flow could enhance the product. I also debated the legal implications for a product that relies on recording conversations for producing output.


It would be important to track how often users are recording conversations with the same individuals to build out the progression of the relationship. The AI reccomendations could improve with time, but if users found value from that would be the determinant of a successful outcome.


It would be important to track how often users are recording conversations with the same individuals to build out the progression of the relationship. The AI reccomendations could improve with time, but if users found value from that would be the determinant of a successful outcome.


It would be important to track how often users are recording conversations with the same individuals to build out the progression of the relationship. The AI reccomendations could improve with time, but if users found value from that would be the determinant of a successful outcome.

Use Cases

Tracking what types of conversations that users record would be useful to determine what features to include in this product as a whole. This could define the market and use cases more clearly for future research.

Use Cases

Tracking what types of conversations that users record would be useful to determine what features to include in this product as a whole. This could define the market and use cases more clearly for future research.

Use Cases

Tracking what types of conversations that users record would be useful to determine what features to include in this product as a whole. This could define the market and use cases more clearly for future research.

Biometric Data

The ethicality of using biometric data with AI has been debated as AI enters the realm of customer service at a large scale. Whether the participant's voice data and audio transcripts are saved (and for how long) could pose legal implications for this Startup.

Biometric Data

The ethicality of using biometric data with AI has been debated as AI enters the realm of customer service at a large scale. Whether the participant's voice data and audio transcripts are saved (and for how long) could pose legal implications for this Startup.

Biometric Data

The ethicality of using biometric data with AI has been debated as AI enters the realm of customer service at a large scale. Whether the participant's voice data and audio transcripts are saved (and for how long) could pose legal implications for this Startup.

Legality and Authenticity

In the United States, there are various laws regarding the recording of individuals without their consent. Depending on the state of the user, these could differ, requiring different standards for consent being on record prior to recording. This also brings into question the authenticity of the conversation once the participants are aware that they are on record, altering their choices throughout the conversation.

Legality and Authenticity

In the United States, there are various laws regarding the recording of individuals without their consent. Depending on the state of the user, these could differ, requiring different standards for consent being on record prior to recording. This also brings into question the authenticity of the conversation once the participants are aware that they are on record, altering their choices throughout the conversation.

Legality and Authenticity

In the United States, there are various laws regarding the recording of individuals without their consent. Depending on the state of the user, these could differ, requiring different standards for consent being on record prior to recording. This also brings into question the authenticity of the conversation once the participants are aware that they are on record, altering their choices throughout the conversation.

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A Quiet Day At The Beach


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A Quiet Day At The Beach


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A Quiet Day At The Beach